Wall One
Row 1, left to right: Pier, encaustic on panel, 20" x 16", 2005, Wait a moment, tempera emulsion on panel, 20" x 16", 2010, Work in progress, tempera emulsion on panel, 20" x 16", Unfinished. Row 2, left to right: Butterknife, tempera emulsion on panel, 14" x 11", 2010, Let this be a lesson, tempera emulsion on panel, 11" x 14", 2011, I got this one, tempera emulsion on panel, 14" x 11", 2010

Wall Two
Row 1, left to right: Guilty Party, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2004, Work in progress, tempera emulsion on panel, 16" x 12", 2011, Untitled, encaustic on panel, 11" x 14", 2003, It's like this, encaustic on panel, 18" x 30", 2007, Untitled, encaustic on panel, 11" x 14", 2003, Glass eye open, encaustic on panel, 16" x 12", 2001, Untitled, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2004 Row 2, left to right: Unforeseen consequences, tempera emulsion on panel, 11.75" x 54", 2011, Untitled Triptych, tempera emulsion on panel, 6" x 19", 2011, A god among men, encaustic on panel, 12" x 54", 2001 Row 3, left to right: Objectively so, tempera emulsion on panel, 16" x 20", 2011, Solus Rex, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2001, Why not, why not, tempera emulsion on panel, 18" x 14", 2011, A remarkable fact, tempera emulsion on panel, 24" x 30", 2011, In order that, tempera emulsion on panel, 18" x 14", 2011, A million things to think about, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2011, Untitled (crowd), tempera emulsion on panel, 16" x 20", 2010

Wall Three
Left Column, top to bottom: The wind being against us, wax and damar on panels (diptych), 10" x 8" each, 2011, Instance, tempera emulsion on panel, 16" x 12", 2010, Lookout, tempera emulsion on panel, 11" x 14", 2010 Center Column, top to bottom: Playing at fates (with finding of the head of Orpheus), tempera emulsion on panel, 30" x 24", 2011, End to end, casein on panel, 12" x 25", 2010 Right Column, left to right,top to bottom: The extreme limit, encaustic on panel, 10" x 8", 2007, Critic, wax and damar on panel, 10" x 8", 2009, In the long run, tempera emulsion on panel, 16" x 12", 2011, Aglow, tempera emulsion on panel, 11" x 14", 2010

Wall Four
Row 1, left to right: Untitled 4, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2004, Close Watch, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2004, Watt, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2004, Untitled 6, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2005, Untitled 5, encaustic on panel, 14" x 11", 2004 Row 2 Untitled Diptych, encaustic on panels, 22" x 30" each, 2008

Wall Five
Top to Bottom: A number of things I thought I knew, encaustic on panel, 24" x 40", 2004, Further on, encaustic on panel, 24" x 40", 2004

Works in Progress, tempera emulsion on panel, unfinished

Wall Six
Clockwise from Left: Days like this one, encaustic on panel, 16" x 12", 2001, At a loss for words, encaustic on panel, 24" x 40", 2007, Unsure how to respond, encaustic on panel, 28" x 39", 2005

Wall Seven
Left to right: Happy family, encaustic on panel, 22" x 30", 2005, Off course, encaustic on panel, 30" x 14", 2007

Wall eight
Left to right: Not quite right, mixed media on linen, 16" x 10", 2010, Promenade, tempera emulsion on panel, 12" x 9", 2009, An unexpected depth, tempera emulsion on panel, 8" x10", 2010

Wall Nine
Light on his feet, encaustic on panel, 40" x 24", 2007

Wall ten
Clockwise from Top Left: Untitled, encaustic on panel, 16" x 6", 1999, Will it pass inspection, encaustic on panel, 10" x 6", 1999, Correcting myself, encaustic on panel, 7" x 10", 1999, I doubt very much, encaustic on panel, 8" x 9", 1999